July 15, 2010

It may be artichoke season?

I just discovered Pugly Pixel and can't get enough! I'm still exploring it, but there's so much to look at and try out in Photoshop!

Anywho, I went to the grocery store yesterday and artichokes were $1!!!

I had to buy 2, so I grilled one yesterday and tried broiling one today (my grill scares me...fireballs...).

I just cut it in half, boiled the halves for about 20 minutes, then drizzled the cut sides with olive oil and sprinkled them with salt and peppa (and some chicken taco seasoning!). Then I put them cut side up on the grill and let them get yummy. After about 10 minutes, I flipped them and let them cook about 5 more minutes. So good.

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